[On-demand Webinar] Beyond Covid-19: A Special on Infectious Disease Testing in Asia Tue, 10th Mar 2020 Article tags Covid-19 testingIn-vitro diagnosticsAsiaIVD Gateway EIU Healthcare hosted the “Beyond Covid-19: Preparing for Future Infectious Disease Outbreaks” webinar to discuss the state of infectious disease testing in Asia, covering: Insights from Infectious Disease Testing Monitor on the country spending on infectious disease testing and the value and volume of testing carried out in AsiaThe capacity of health systems in China and other countries in Asia to manage infectious disease outbreak crisesExperiences and best practices of how both emerging and developed countries have managed outbreaksHow NGOs and medtech industry players such as IVD companies can contribute to the prevention of future outbreaks of infectious diseases? The webinar session is now available on-demand. Watch session Tue, 10th Mar 2020 Article tags Covid-19 testingIn-vitro diagnosticsAsiaIVD Gateway