Quarterly company insightsMonitor top IVD companies’ market performance and business activity in China on a quarterly basisCompany Insights Monitor provides in-depth reports on China’s top IVD companies’ localised commercial activities in core labs, point-of-care testing, molecular and tissue diagnostics to help you understand the key players’ dynamics in the world’s largest emerging. Find out more
Track competition to stay aheadKnow what and how top IVD companies are localising and adapting their sales, marketing, operational and commercial strategies to benchmark your performance, plan effectively to mitigate potential threats and stay ahead of the competition.
Track policy impact on businessMonitor changes in the major policies impacting the IVD market and learn how top companies are responding and apply tried-and-tested measures to navigate the changing landscape.
Predict future market movementsUnderstand and track activities of multiple top companies to predict overall movement of the market over time movements and formulate preemptive strategies to win.
Company Insights Monitor provides insights on the top five – eight players in key IVD segments: Centralised Dx Point-of-care testing Molecular diagnostics Tissue diagnostics
Company Insights Monitor tracks: Top companies’ sales performance, market activities, distribution network, product launches, M&A and policy changes response China’s policy development scan with impact on IVD market overall and by key segment IVD market landscape covering key trends shaping demand Quarter-by-quarter company growth rate and commercial activities update
GuideQuarterly Company Insights (QCI)Use this to understand key players’ dynamics in China – the largest emerging IVD market and what’s covered in the QCI report. Learn more
White papers Innovations in China’s IVD and surgical sectors This report is part of our series of reports looking at China’s medtech market and examining the major trends, innovations and technologies accelerating growth in the country’s IVD and surgical sectors. In-vitro diagnostics | medical devices | Surgical device | China
White papers Opportunities and challenges in China’s medtech market In-vitro diagnostics | medical devices | Surgical device | China
White papers China’s medtech market In-vitro diagnostics | medical devices | Surgical device | Asia | China
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