Surgical GatewaySurgical market size, share and growth dataSurgical Gateway is the go-to source for Surgical Procedure Volumes and Surgical Devices market size, share and growth data for 197 procedures and 125 device groups globally. Inquire now
What are surgical devices and equipment?Surgical devices are tools or instruments used in a variety of surgical procedures from open heart surgery to minimally-invasive procedures that correct orthopaedic issues. These medical devices range from endoscopic instruments used in minimally-invasive procedures to robot-assisted surgical systems and platforms which promise to deliver more precise and efficient surgical care.The global surgical device market is one of the biggest sectors in the medtech industry. With rapidly improving healthcare infrastructure in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, more patients in these regions are now able to access safe and affordable surgical care, driving strong growth in the regions’ surgical device market.
Product benefits Support sales planning – plan your annual targets based on actual customer demand and competitors’ shares Prioritise product investment – use surgical market size and growth data to prioritise your investment by knowing how much you can potentially earn from a product segment or business area Guide product R&D – track market size shifts to understand adoption changes and trends in surgery that help guide your product R&D strategies in fast-moving markets Develop winning go-to-market strategies – get a grasp on surgical market demand and growth potential to develop informed go-to-market strategies that effectively deploy sales resources and create a winning market positioning
What’s included?Surgical device market size Size & Share Plus – for growth strategy planning Device volume mapped against procedure volume performed for the year Device average selling price to hospital (ASP) Device market value size by product type for the year Surgical device market share Brand share breakdown by top international and local brands in dollar value and % Surgical instrument growth forecast YoY growth forecast of device market size in dollar value 5-year CAGR forecast of device market size in dollar value
General Surgery Bariatric surgery | breast surgery | colorectal surgery | endocrinology surgery | hepatobiliary surgery | hearing restoration surgery | sinus therapy | renal disease | small intestine surgery | hernia repair | upper gastrointestinal surgery
Cardiovascular surgery Cardiac rhythm management | ventricular assist device | structural heart surgery | coronary surgery | percutaneous coronary intervention | vascular surgery | peripheral intervention | neurovascular intervention | thoracic surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery Joint replacement – Hip | joint replacement – knee | other joint replacement | sports medicine | fracture repair
OBGYN Surgery Stress urinary incontinence surgery | oophorectomy | ovary biopsy | uterus/uterine procedures | urogynecology | obstetrics procedures
Spine surgery Thoracic lumbar spine fusion | thoracic lumbar interbody fusion | cervical spine fusion | cervical interbody fusion | sacroiliac joint fusion | spine prosthesis | interventional spine
Surgical devices and product groups Energy devices | Endo products | open mechanical products | wound care | biosurgery | breast aesthetics | hepatobiliary systems & embolization products | hernia products | cardiac assist devices & pacemakers | cardio & endovascular catheters / access devices | valve replacements | cardiovascular balloons & stents | stress urinary incontinence products | urology products and laser systems | hip & knee replacements | trauma products | spine cage & fixation systems
Data servicesThe GatewayData-driven intelligence solutions for the healthcare industry. Gateway solutions identify realistic opportunities and enable growth strategies through current, credible, granular data for the IVD and Surgical sectors. Find out more
Data servicesIVD Gateway Informing growth strategies for the IVD sector, IVD Gateway is the definitive source for In Vitro Diagnostics data for each of the major IVD segments across 36 countries and territories. Find out more
Data servicesMedical Consumables GatewayUnderstand and track the medical consumables’ market size, share and growth data for more than 200 product segments across Asia, Europe and Latin America. In-depth insight and unrivalled regional expertise make us the go-to source for your business. Find out more