Assessing the burden of sickle cell disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: a cost-of-illness study

The report, by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), examines the healthcare cost of sickle cell disease (SCD) in Africa, including the sum of direct and indirect costs associated with the disease. The findings of the report are based on a structured literature review and in-depth interviews with healthcare professionals, patient groups and policymakers. The report is sponsored by Novartis.

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The COVID-19 Health Funding Tracker

The COVID-19 Health Funding Tracker, sponsored by Wellcome Trust, synthesises global, health-related funding efforts in near real-time, from pledge to disbursement. By bringing together data from governments, multilateral agencies and other funders, the EIU provides an independent record of which funders are funding which aspects of the health response to the coronavirus pandemic, and will help target further pledges towards critical funding gaps. Ultimately, this tracker aims to increase global accountability to mitigate the health impact of COVID-19.