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In-vitro diagnostics
In-vitro diagnostics
Size and Share Tracker
The go-to source for tracking and understanding the global in vitro diagnostics market size, share and trends
Segment Trend Report
Understand the trends driving market demand of main IVD segments— Centralised Dx, POC testing, Molecular Dx and Tissue Dx.
LabPRO Directory
To help your business understand current test, instrument and reagent usage of target customers
Company Insights Monitor
in-depth reports on China’s top IVD companies’ localised commercial activities in core labs, point-of-care testing, molecular and tissue diagnostics
Infectious diseases trend monitor
Understand local dynamics and how they impact infectious disease testing.
Browse all IVD solutions
Surgical devices
Medical consumables
Clearstate insights
From recently published reports offering thought-provoking analysis, to information about new products and services, we will ensure you are always kept informed
White papers
Clearstate’s white papers provide practical business information on a wide range of topics, from macroeconomic events and country affairs to the latest industry trends
Essential medtech themes
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Case studies
An in-depth look at Clearstate’s recent client work, including the challenges our clients faced, our approach to addressing those challenges
Spine trends in orthopaedics – thank you
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