China IVD market

China’s government is investing to build up the country’s in vitro diagnostics (IVD) testing capacity and meet strong clinical demand from an ageing population. With major policies, regulations and the growth of domestic players shaking up the country’s IVD market dynamics, companies are localising and adapting their strategies to stay ahead in this fast-evolving market. 

Clearstate offers market data, analysis and forecasts to give you the insight needed to capture opportunities in China, the world’s largest emerging IVD market. Our China IVD market hub is regularly updated to share our findings on this fast-evolving market.

What is China’s IVD market size?

The China IVD market size is estimated at US$17.5bn in 2023. The market is expected to grow at an annual average of 5% in the period of 2023 to 2026.

Understand the China IVD market

Discover more IVD insights and learn how IVD Gateway solutions can help prepare your business for opportunities in China’s IVD market. Examine key themes such as localisation, digitalisation, automation and novel technologies that IVD companies need to address to stay competitive in China.  

China IVD Hub

Explore the latest China in-vitro diagnostics market insights 

From market news and trends to analysis, our articles provide concise and up-to-date information about the market potential and adoption trends of IVD innovations across Chinese cities, and where and how fast domestic competition is emerging in key segments of in vitro diagnostics – core labs, molecular diagnostics, point-of-care testing, tissue diagnostics and next-generation sequencing. Explore the latest in policy developments impacting the IVD products and devices market, local competition and prices.  

China IVD market solutions

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