Infectious diseases article by Clearstate

Infectious disease IVD testing: Where APAC countries are putting their attention

Economist Intelligence Clearstate expects strong growth for Asia Pacific’s (APAC’s) infectious disease IVD market.

Countries in the region are increasing spending and broadening access to IVD testing to tackle infectious diseases and meet disease elimination and control goals.

  • HIV: testing grows as governments commit to improved coverage of the HIV-carrying population. Emphasis on molecular testing in China with updated national guidelines.
  • Hepatitis (HAV, HCV, HBV): China joined WHO’s initiative to eliminate hepatitis by 2030.
  • MTB: countries such as China are driving to lower incidence of tuberculosis in the population, potentially dampening demand for the test segment in the long-term.
  • Vector-based diseases (VBD): fast growth in POC testing for VBD over the next few years in several countries in Southeast Asia where outbreaks of VBD such as dengue and malaria are expected to continue.
  • Respiratory, Covid-19: Molecular diagnostics (MDx) tests are the predominant method given the importance of high accuracy technology in the urgency to control the covid-19 pandemic. Multiplex respiratory tests covering influenza and SARS-CoV-2.

For more on the infectious diseases testing market, download the briefing paper on Infectious disease diagnostics in Asia-Pacific