Trends in minimally invasive cardiovascular surgery in Japan Wed, 26th Jan 2022 Article tags Cardiovascular surgeryMinimally invasive surgerySurgical deviceAsiaCardiovascular SurgeryMinimally invasive surgerySurgical Gateway A new wave of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) adoption in Japan is emerging due to improved technology and the availability of reimbursement and surgical devices. View infographic Our infographic looks at three MIS procedure areas currently exhibiting strong growth. Highlights: Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI): Drivers affecting growth in TAVR/TAVI useCoronary artery bypass graft (CABG): Trends in the use of minimally invasive techniques such as off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) and direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): Regional disparity in PCI rate Navigating Japan’s cardiovascular surgical device market View infographic As the use of MIS techniques grows, surgical device companies will have to adapt their market strategy to compete more effectively in the country. Through Economist Intelligence Clearstate’s team of consultants and IVD Gateway – our proprietary data solution, we support your strategic and tactical business planning, and provide answers on the what, where and how to gain market share. For more data and insights on the surgical market, find out more about EIU Healthcare’s Surgical Gateway. Surgical GatewayThe go-to-source of market data and insights on surgical procedure volume and surgical device size and share. Find out more Wed, 26th Jan 2022 Article tags Cardiovascular surgeryMinimally invasive surgerySurgical deviceAsiaCardiovascular SurgeryMinimally invasive surgerySurgical Gateway
Surgical GatewayThe go-to-source of market data and insights on surgical procedure volume and surgical device size and share. Find out more