China surgical device market insights and tracker

China Segmentation Surgical Devices Tracker for Surgical Gateway is the go-to source of data, analysis and forecasts for the world’s largest emerging surgical device market at city-tier and hospital-class levels. Clearstate’s Surgical China segmentation offers access to surgical market data to provide the visibility for medtech companies to operate successfully in an increasingly diverse and complex surgical devices market environment.

Why China Segmentation?

Quarterly Company Insights (QCI)

Gain perspective on how fast China’s cities and local players are growing

With surgical procedure volume growth in lower-tier cities outpacing Tier 1 cities, capture opportunities located deep in Chinese cities by getting to grips on the size of opportunities and how far domestic players have penetrated these markets.

Track adoption and usage trends by hospital class segment

Track adoption and usage trends by hospital class segment

Amid the medical devices spending shift to Class 2 hospitals, find out which therapy areas are shifting to Class 2 hospitals to map out the procedure types your business needs to focus on to penetrate the segment within China.

Proportion of cancer biomarker testing done with NGS expected to double in 2022 compared to 2019

Track policy developments and their surgical devices market impact

Understand how major policies are reshaping the surgical devices and instruments market dynamics and impacting the adoption and international brands in the different regions and hospital segments.

What’s covered in the surgical device market tracker?

China segmentation offerings

China segmentation offers:

  • Market size
  • Market share
  • 5-year CAGR forecasts
  • City-tier segmentation: Surgical device market size, share and growth data by city’s economic development cluster – Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier, 3 and Tier 4/5
  • Hospital class segmentation: Surgical device market size, share and growth data by type of hospitals covering 3, 2 and 1 hospitals
  • International vs local brands segmentation: Offering breakdown of company sales revenue and brand penetration in city-tier and hospital class
China segmentation surgical devices

China segmentation provides granular coverage of surgical devices in:

  • General surgery
  • Orthopaedics
  • Trauma
  • Spine
  • Joint
  • Sport medicine
  • Neurovascular
  • Robotics surgery

Comprehensive surgical device market coverage

China Segmentation Surgical Device Tracker covers more than 300 Chinese cities by tiers.- Tier 1 cities (4)- New Tier 1 cities (5)- Tier 2 cities (30)- Tier 3 cities (70)- Tier 4 and 5 cities (202)

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