IVD solutionsIVD solutionsClearstate’s IVD Gateway solution delivers precise, credible and granular market data with global forecasts. Get insight into IVD test demand and market trends for all major market segments tracked across more than 30 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Monitor IVD market size, share and trends with ready-made or customisable solutions. Shape your strategy and get support for tactical business decisions in the sector through our data intelligence, market research and business consulting. Inquire now
Quarterly Company InsightsQuarterly Company Insights (QCI) provides in-depth reports on China’s top IVD companies’ localised commercial activities in core labs, point-of-care testing, molecular and tissue diagnostics to help you understand the key players’ dynamics in the world’s largest emerging IVD market. Find out more
IVD Size & Share PlusThe go-to source for tracking and understanding market size, share and trends in IVD. Granular break-out of data and comprehensive coverage of international and domestic suppliers’ brand share across Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Find out more
LabPRO PlusGain insights into Lab by lab profiles of centralised diagnostics (CEDx) labs, molecular diagnostics labs (MDx) and tissue diagnostics (TDx) labs across hospitals and commercial settings to help your business understand current test, instrument and reagent usage of target customers. Find out more
Infectious Disease Testing MonitorClearstate has the relevant data and market insights to help key stakeholders from industry players, healthcare providers, payors and policymakers assess the potential impact of the outbreak, identify the gaps in current prevention capability and define potential solutions to better prepare for the next pandemic. Find out more
Covid-19 Testing MonitorUnderstand and track global Covid-19 testing with the Covid-19 Testing Monitor – a go-to-source for deep insights into the global testing ecosystem that helps the IVD industry and other organisations understand global test capacity and track key developments and trends that impact testing. Find out more
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The GatewayData-driven intelligence for the healthcare industry, our Gateway solutions identify realistic opportunities and enable growth strategies through current, credible, granular data for the IVD and Surgical sectors. Find out more
Surgical GatewayThe go-to source for Surgical Procedure Volumes and Surgical Devices market size, share and growth data for 197 procedures and 125 devices group globally. Find out more
Medical Consumables GatewayUnderstand and track the medical consumables’ market size, share and growth data for more than 200 product segments across Asia, Europe and Latin America. In-depth insight and unrivalled regional expertise make us the go-to source for your business. Find out more