TISSUE diagnostics hubTDx market analysis and updatesAdvancements such as tissue-based companion diagnostics, automation and the use of digital solutions at laboratories are driving greater efficiency of tissue diagnostics (TDx) testing in critical areas such as cancer diagnosis and treatment planning. Clearstate offers market data, forecasts and trend predictions to give you the insight on how developments, such as a growing global cancer burden and the rise of personalised care, will shape how laboratories and clinicians use TDx to improve patient care. Our tissue diagnostics hub is regularly updated to share our findings on this evolving IVD market segment that is becoming ever more digital ready. Inquire now
Tissue-based companion diagnostics market to grow for the most common cancers in ChinaCompanion diagnostics (CDx) use is growing as the cancer treatment paradigm-shifts towards immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Read more
Digital pathology growth to outpace broader TDx market in several countriesClearstate anticipates strong demand for digital pathology solutions, with markets, such as Asia-Pacific, growing by 9.2% annually on average, in the forecast period of 2019-2024. Read more
The Future of Pathology: Four Growth Areas in Tissue Diagnostics (TDx)Various technologies and advancements in tissue diagnostics (TDx) will drive greater efficiency in pathology which is crucial for delivering improved cancer care and diagnosis amid the growing global cancer burden. Read more
report by clearstateCancer and tissue diagnostics market outlookTissue diagnostics (TDx) play an important role in improving treatment and health outcomes for cancer patients. A global effort to tackle the disease amid a growing cancer burden and rapid advances in treatment, drives the increased demand for TDx solutions. Learn more
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